IRPRESUNIV.ORG, CIKARANG – Diskusi Ilmiah is the annual event which initiated by Forum Komunikasi Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional Indonesia (FKMHII). This year, Diskusi Ilmiah was involving President University Major Association of International Relations and Himpunan Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional Institut Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik (IISIP) to become the committee behind the event. This event raised the theme of “The Generation: Life After Covid-19” and was successfully conducted on 24th April 2021. This event consisted two main agenda, there were national paper competition and national webinar.

The event was divided into 2 (two) sessions and the opening session was opened by the Master of Ceremony, then continued to the speeches from Head of International Relations Study Program of President University, Dr. Muhammad A.S Hikam M.A, Ph.d. The second speech was delivered by the Head of International Relations Study Program of IISIP, Netik Indarwati, S.S, M.Si., The third speech was come from the representative of FKMHII, Presidium Nasional, Salsa Mutiarani Rawitno. Then, continued by the representative of President University and Institut Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik, Regina Prayogi and Magna Agape. In the first session, the agenda was consist of a presentation video playback from all paper competition’s participants and complemented by the question and answer session between participants and the judges, Mr. Umar Bakry and Mrs. Irma Wati. Throughout the video presentation playback and the question and answer session, there was full of excitement in it, all the presentations are extremely interesting with a different topic one and another. All the team also have a good session with the judges and tried to convince them that they feasible to win the competition.

Next to the second session, which was the national webinar. The national webinar was present with 2 (two) speakers. They are Mr. Yudistira Hendra Permana., SE., M.Sc.who deliver material on the topic of tourism during a pandemic and the second material was delivered by Prof. Dr. Umar Fahmi Achmadi, MPH, Ph.D. who brought the topic about the impact of medical waste on the environment during a pandemic. The webinar was run very smoothly and many of the participants who are interested in the topic proved by many questions that were asked by the participants. Eventually, the event has arrived at the last session which was the winner announcement of the paper competition, and at the last was a photo session with all participants and the speakers.

By: Igesta Putri (IR 2020)

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